Winter 2020 Workshop Overview

Mar 25, 2020 | Workshop

The TechX Lab hosts workshops presented by our student workers. These workshops are designed to provide unique experiences that a normal classroom setting can’t provide. We’ve presented four new workshops this quarter covering tech-related topics.

This quarter’s workshops were:

  • Introduction to Virtual Reality
    • This workshop was an overview of Virtual Reality as it exists today with details on developing a basic environment and audience participation in VR. Students could also try out the HTC Vive VR system. 
  • Introduction to Wireshark
    • This workshop was a quick overview on the functions of Wireshark and how to use them. Students were also able to take part in hands-on activities using Wireshark, such as capturing their own packet files and examining them.
  • Building Your Own AR: Scripting in Unity
    • This workshop was a basic overview of how to code in Unity, what kind of functionality scripting adds to Unity projects, and how it can apply to Augmented Reality applications. Participants also went through through a step-by-step tutorial of how to implement scripting in your AR project.
  • Creating a Virtual Machine Using VMware
    • This workshop was a step by step introduction into virtual machines, how to set them up, and other things you can do with them. Attendees also learned about VMware and how it is implemented in the workforce.

If you want to view the slideshows that were shown during these workshops, click here.

Since last quarter, we’ve changed our presentation dates to be on Wednesdays which had a positive effect on attendance. A total of 42 unique students attended our workshops – nearly double the amount from last quarter!

The TechX Lab will continue to provide student-led workshops each quarter and we’re thrilled from your responses to them. Be on the lookout for the next workshops for Spring 2020 on our Workshops page!